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The HIV Language Compendium

Sep 19, 2022

HIV Policy Lab, Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Aidsfonds, and overseen by the Love Alliance.

The HIV Language Compendium is a compilation of internationally agreed upon language that provides precedents for the use, proper interpretation, and significance of concepts and terms crucial for an evidence-based and rights-affirming response to HIV. By documenting key language in United Nations agreements and related texts, the Compendium is intended to be a resource for governments, global health actors, and civil society that:

  • Provides a bulwark against efforts to reverse the tide of progress by weakening language in future multilateral negotiations and agreements;
  • Supports efforts to codify international commitments and norms into national law and policy.

Key terms include:

This work was launched at the 2022 International AIDS Conference by the HIV Policy Lab, Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), and Aidsfonds; and overseen by the Love Alliance.

If you have feedback or questions about this tool, please email policylab@georgetown.edu.