
Using the Site

Country Pages

Each country covered by the HIV Policy Lab has a country page that includes a full profile of policy adoption, including comparison to regional (UNAIDS Regions) and global averages and with context of HIV incidence and antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage in that country. The most recent data available is shown, with the option to select a specific year. Click the to see the sources of the answers for each policy and access the Reference Library.

Policy Map

The policy map provides a global view of the level of policy adoption at country scale, considering both the overall progress (across all policies) and within each of the four policy categories (Clinical and treatment; Testing and prevention; Structural; and Health systems). The map also includes quick access to map adoption of individual policy indictors and to view any of these data using the most recent information, regardless of year, or for specific years.

Policy Pages

Each policy covered by the HIV Policy Lab has a policy page that shows its global adoption status, compares adoption status across UNAIDS regions, and tracks changes in adoption status over time, globally, regionally, and by country.

Global Comparison Page

The Compare page provides visualizations of progress in policy adoption across countries and UNAIDS regions, including by year or based on the most recently available data, regardless of year. A sortable graph and table also provide the ability to generate custom views of country adoption level by UNAIDS Region, for PEPFAR vs. non-PEPFAR countries, by policy category or individual policy, and others.

Comparison Tools

The comparison tools include an interactive bar chart that allows users to adoption rates for different policies or combinations of policies, and an interactive comparison table that allows users to compare policy adoption status by country forthe policies and countries of their choice.

HIV Incidence and ART Treatment Data

HIV Incidence

Given the important relationship between HIV policy and potential for new HIV infections, HIV incidence data are included from the UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic, for each country and globally. The estimated number of adults and children newly infected with HIV, for each year, is included with the most recently available data covering 2022. To compare how the number of new infections in a country has changed over time, the current number of new HIV infections is compared to data from 5 years prior and displayed as a percent change. Note that data are provided by country self-report to UNAIDS and some countries don’t have data.

ART Treatment Access

To capture how effectively HIV policies are impacting ART treatment and access to treatment, UNAIDS tracks the estimate of the number of people living with HIV, of all ages, who know their status and are receiving ART treatment. This metric shows progress towards the goal of bringing testing and treatment to the vast majority of people living with HIV. The percent is provided in the UNAIDS data and is benchmarked against UNAIDS "90/90/90" targets. Country pages show progress on the second "90"—the portion of all people living with HIV who know their status. To calculate progress over time, the percent change in this metric over the past 5 years is also provided in the site (by country and globally).